If you are looking for advice, for your business/charity, look no further. Advice at a fixed price and based on years of experience.
Are you thinking about working closely /merging with another charity/company? Have you considered the pitfalls ? Do you know the potential merits as well as possible disadvantages ?
If you are thinking about setting up a charity, have you considered the different vehicles that can be registered to be a charity? Get advice from experts with first hand experience of advantages and disadvantages of different formats and the process involved.
When was the last time you looked at the risks facing your business/charity? Will you benefit from an appraisal about your risks and their management.?
Tax and understanding taxation is a taxing matter!
Get help from experts on all aspects of taxation.
Are you running the organisation well, having regard to the latest guidance?
Have an appraisal of where your company/charity is on this ever changing topic.
As soon as you start to think about your business or charity, we can help you take the next steps. We can discuss your business's organization, tax purposes and operations, along with target pricing and profit margins.
Get some impartial advice from an accountant before you consult the bank. A bank will want to see a strong business plan and organized records. Let us help you get ready for your business's next step!
Does your accountant return your calls? Do you feel comfortable asking them a question? Do you feel heard? With us, the answers is always a resounding "Yes!"
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Reza Motazedi and Co. LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership under number: OC434519